[Unity] 如何解決 BestHttp出WebGL 會發生的問題

使用 BestHttp 套件後,Build WebGL ,會出現以下錯誤,

Assets/Best HTTP (Pro)/Examples/Websocket/WebSocketSample.cs(68,31): error CS1061: Type `BestHTTP.WebSocket.WebSocket' does not contain a definition for `StartPingThread' and no extension method `StartPingThread' of type `BestHTTP.WebSocket.WebSocket' could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?

這時記得把  BestHttp 下的  WebSocketSample.cs 檔案中的68行

webSocket.StartPingThread = true;

移入到 !UNITY_WEBGL 之下, 如下圖所示



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