Type Script 中 如何寫 overload

在TypeScript 中視可以寫 overload

TypeScript 是支援 overload但是非常奇葩 又愛又恨




Code Like this

import { DateTimeFormatter, LocalDateTime } from "@js-joda/core";

export class DBUtils {

    public static toDateString(inDateStr: string, formate: string): string;
    public static toDateString(inDateStr: string,formate: DateTimeFormatter): string;
    public static toDateString(d: Date): string;
    public static toDateString(arg1: string | Date, arg2?: string | DateTimeFormatter): string {
        if (typeof arg1 === 'string' && typeof arg2 === 'string' ) {
            let ldt: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(arg1, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(arg2));
            return ldt.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME);
        if (typeof arg1 === 'string' &&  arg2 instanceof DateTimeFormatter) {
            let ldt: LocalDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(arg1, arg2);
            return ldt.format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME);
        if (arg1 instanceof Date) {
            let dStr = arg1.toISOString();
            return this.toDateString(dStr, DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT);
        throw new Error("not support this!!!");



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