How to Deploy a React TypeScript Project to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions


How to Deploy a React TypeScript Project to GitHub Pages using GitHub Actions


Deploying a React TypeScript project to GitHub Pages efficiently automates the process, ensuring your project is consistent with the latest changes in your repository. This tutorial will guide you through setting up GitHub Actions to automate the deployment of your React TypeScript project to GitHub Pages.


  1. GitHub Account: A GitHub account and a repository containing your React TypeScript project.
  2. Node.js and npm: Ensure Node.js and npm are installed to handle project dependencies.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Prepare Your React Project

Make sure your React project uses TypeScript and is configured to build correctly. In your package.json, set the homepage field to the hosting subpath:

"homepage": "./",

Step 2: Set Up GitHub Actions

  1. Generate a Commit Token:
    • Go to Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens.
    • Select Generate new token.
    • Choose the appropriate permissions for the token, such as repo access.
    • Note down the generated token.

enter image description here
enter image description here

  1. Add the Commit Token as a Secret:
    • Navigate to your repository’s settings.
    • Go to Secrets and variables > Repository secrets > New repository secret.
    • Name: COMMIT_TOKEN
    • Secret: Paste the generated token.

enter image description here
3. Create a Workflow File:

  • In your repository on GitHub, go to the Actions tab and click on “New workflow”.
  • Click on “set up a workflow yourself” to create a new YAML file in .github/workflows.
  1. Configure the Workflow:

    • Replace the content of the YAML file with the following:
    name: deploy gh-pages
          - main
        name: Build and deploy gh-pages
          MY_SECRET: ${{ secrets.COMMIT_TOKEN }}
          USER_NAME: githubaction
          PUBLISH_DIR: ./build
        runs-on: ubuntu-latest
            node-version: [18.x]
        - uses: actions/checkout@v1
        - name: Use Node.js ${{ matrix.node-version }}
          uses: actions/setup-node@v1
            node-version: ${{ matrix.node-version }}
        - name: npm install
          run: npm install
        - name: npm run build
          run: npm run build
        - name: Commit files
          run: |
            cd $PUBLISH_DIR
            git init
            git config --local $USER_NAME
            git config --local $USER_EMAIL
            git status
            git remote add origin https://$$GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git
            git checkout -b gh-pages
            git add --all
            git commit -m "deploy to Github pages"
            git push origin gh-pages -f
            echo 🤘 deploy gh-pages complete to $GITHUB_REPOSITORY.git.

This workflow will trigger on pushes to the main branch, install dependencies, build your project, commit the build artifacts to the gh-pages branch, and then push to GitHub Pages using the provided commit token for authentication.

Step 3: Enable GitHub Pages

  • Access your repository’s settings.
  • Locate the “Pages” section.
  • Select the gh-pages branch and / (root) folder as your source.
  • Confirm your settings.


Following these steps will set up your React TypeScript project for automatic deployment to GitHub Pages upon any commits to your main branch. This configuration streamlines your update process and ensures a smooth and efficient deployment pipeline.

Every time you commit, it will trigger the action as shown:

enter image description here

Remember to replace the username and repo-name with your actual GitHub username and repository name in the package.json and adjust the workflow YAML as needed.



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